[1] | Samuel Colin and Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard. Une courte (?) introduction à LATEX 2e. self-publishing, February 2010. traduit de "The not so short introduction to LATEX 2e" par Tobias Oetiker - ouvrage librement accessible. [ bib | .ps.gz | .pdf.gz ] |
[2] | Samuel Colin, Dorian Petit, Georges Mariano, and Vincent Poirriez. BRILLANT: an open source platform for B. In Workshop on Tool Building in Formal Methods (held in conjunction with ABZ2010), February 2010. [ bib | .ps.gz | .pdf.gz ] |
[3] | Samuel Colin, Arnaud Lanoix, Olga Kouchnarenko, and Vincent Poirriez. Bringing state sharing into CSP||B: a B-based approach. Technical report, self-publishing, October 2009. [ bib | .ps.gz | .pdf.gz ] |
[4] | Samuel Colin and Georges Mariano. BiCoax, a proof tool traceable to the BBook. In From Research to Teaching Formal Methods - The B Method (TFM B'2009), June 2009. [ bib | .ps.gz | .pdf.gz ] |
[5] | Samuel Colin and Georges Mariano. Coq, l'alpha et l'omega de la preuve pour B ? Technical report, INRETS, February 2009. [ bib | http | .ps.gz | .pdf.gz ] |
[6] | Samuel Colin, Arnaud Lanoix, Olga Kouchnarenko, and Jeanine Souquières. Using CSP||B components: Application to a platoon of vehicles. In Darren Cofer and Alessandro Fantechi, editors, 13th International ERCIM Wokshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS 2008), volume 5596 of LNCS, pages 103-118. Springer-Verlag, September 2008. [ bib | DOI | .pdf.gz ] |
[7] | Samuel Colin, Arnaud Lanoix, Olga Kouchnarenko, and Jeanine Souquières. Towards validating a platoon of cristal vehicles using CSP||B. In J. Meseguer and G. Rosu, editors, 12th International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology (AMAST 2008), volume 5140 of LNCS, pages 139-144. Springer-Verlag, July 2008. [ bib | DOI | .pdf.gz ] |
[8] | Samuel Colin, Arnaud Lanoix, Olga Kouchnarenko, and Jeanine Souquières. Towards validating a platoon of cristal vehicles using CSP||B. Technical Report hal-00261630, LORIA, March 2008. Submitted to AMAST'08. [ bib | http | .pdf.gz ] |
[9] | Samuel Colin and Arnaud Lanoix. An experience with a formal modelling of a multi-agent system: the platooning problem. Technical Report hal-00260573, LORIA, January 2008. [ bib | http | .pdf.gz ] |
[10] | Samuel Colin and Arnaud Lanoix. An experience with a formal modelling of a multi-agent system: the platooning problem. Technical Report hal-00260568, LORIA, December 2007. [ bib | http | .pdf.gz ] |
[11] | Arnaud Lanoix, Samuel Colin, and Jeanine Souquières. Développement formel par composants : assemblage et vérification à l'aide de B. Technique et Science Informatiques (TSI), 27(8):1007-1032, 2008. numéro spécial AFADL07. [ bib | DOI | .pdf.gz ] |
[12] | Arnaud Lanoix, Samuel Colin, and Jeanine Souquières. Développement formel par composants : assemblage et vérification à l'aide de B. Technical report, LORIA, October 2007. Soumis à la revue Technique et Science Informatiques (TSI), numéro spécial AFADL07. [ bib ] |
[13] | Olivier Simonin, Arnaud Lanoix, Samuel Colin, Alexis Scheuer, and François Charpillet. Generic Expression in B of the Influence/Reaction Model: Specifying and Verifying Situated Multi-Agent Systems. INRIA Research Report 6304, INRIA, September 2007. [ bib | http | .pdf.gz ] |
[14] | Arnaud Lanoix, Samuel Colin, and Jeanine Souquières. Schémas de développement d'adaptateurs à l'aide de B. In Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement de Logiciels, pages 91-108, June 2007. [ bib ] |
[15] | Arnaud Lanoix, Samuel Colin, and Jeanine Souquières. Schémas de développement d'adaptateurs à l'aide de B. Research Report hal-00131340, LORIA, February 2007. [ bib | http | .pdf.gz ] |
[16] | Samuel Colin, Arnaud Lanoix, and Jeanine Souquières. Trustworthy interface compliancy: data model adaptation. In Formal Foundations of Embedded Software and Component-Based Software Architectures (FESCA), Satellite workshop of ETAPS, number 203/7 in ENTCS, pages 23-35. Elsevier, March 2007. [ bib | DOI ] |
[17] | Samuel Colin, Arnaud Lanoix, and Jeanine Souquières. Trustworthy interface compliancy: data model adaptation. Research Report hal-00123884, LORIA, January 2007. [ bib | http | .pdf.gz ] |
[18] | Dorian Petit, Samuel Colin, Georges Mariano, Vincent Poirriez, Jérôme Rocheteau, and Rafaël Marcano. An open source and XML-based platform for rigourous software development. Technical report, BRILLANT, April 2006. [ bib | http | .ps.gz | .pdf.gz ] |
[19] |
Samuel Colin.
Contribution à l'intégration de temporalité au
formalisme B : utilisation du calcul des durées en tant que
sémantique pour B.
Thèse de doctorat, Université de Valenciennes et du
Hainaut-Cambrésis, October 2006.
[ bib |
.ps.gz |
.pdf.gz ]
Keywords: méthode formelle, méthode B, logique temporelle, calcul des durées, assistant de preuve, Coq |
[20] | Samuel Colin. Compositionnalités en B classique et étendu : tour d'horizon. Séminaire dans l'équipe CPR du CEDRIC au CNAM, July 2006. [ bib ] |
[21] | Samuel Colin, Dorian Petit, Jérôme Rocheteau, Rafaël Marcano, Georges Mariano, and Vincent Poirriez. BRILLANT : An open source and XML-based platform for rigourous software development. In SEFM (Software Engineering and Formal Methods), Koblenz, Germany, September 2005. AGKI (Artificial Intelligence Research Koblenz), IEEE Computer Society Press. selectivity : 40/120. [ bib | .ps.gz | .pdf.gz ] |
[22] | Rafaël Marcano, Samuel Colin, and Georges Mariano. A formal framework for UML modelling with timed constraints : Application to railway control systems. In SVERTS: Specification and Validation of UML models for Real Time and Embedded Systems, Lisbon, Portugal, October 2004. (in conjunction with 7th International Conference on the Unified Modeling Language, UML 2004). [ bib | .html | .ps.gz | .pdf.gz ] |
[23] | Samuel Colin, Georges Mariano, and Vincent Poirriez. A natural extension of B substitutions : postconditions. Technical report, LAMIH/ROI, 2004. [ bib | http | .ps.gz | .pdf.gz ] |
[24] | Samuel Colin, Georges Mariano, and Vincent Poirriez. Duration calculus: A real-time semantic for B. In First International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing, Guiyang, China, September 2004. UNU-IIST. selectivity : 36/111. [ bib | .ps.gz | .pdf.gz ] |
[25] | Jérôme Rocheteau, Samuel Colin, Georges Mariano, and Vincent Poirriez. Évaluation de l'extensibilité de PhoX : B/PhoX un assistant de preuves pour B. In JFLA, pages 139-153, January 2004. [ bib | http | .ps.gz | .pdf.gz ] |
[26] | Samuel Colin, Vincent Poirriez, and Georges Mariano. Thoughts about the implementation of the duration calculus with Coq. In 4th International Workshop on the Implementation of Logics. University of Liverpool, September 2003. Technical report ULCS-03-018. [ bib | http | .ps.gz | .pdf.gz ] |
[27] | Samuel Colin. B et le temps réel: Étude de l'intégration du calcul des durées. In Journées du groupe B du GDR ALP, June 2002. [ bib | .html | .ps.gz | .pdf.gz ] |
[28] | Samuel Colin. Méthode B et temps réel : étude de l'intégration du calcul des durées. Mémoire de DEA, Université de Paris VII, 2001. [ bib | .ps.gz | .pdf.gz ] |
[29] | Samuel Colin. Implémentation d'une librairie OCaml pour le calcul des substitutions B. Technical report, INRETS/ESTAS, 20 rue Élisée Reclus, BP 317 - 59666 Villeneuve d'Ascq, 2000. [ bib | .ps.gz | .pdf.gz ] |
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